The summer months can definitely take its toll on your skin. The stifling heat can cause you to sweat, promoting spots on your face and the pollution and dry dust can build up in your pores. Plus, the beating sun can refine and enhance wrinkles.
When it comes to skincare, it’s good to be clued up on UVA and UVB rays that radiate from the sun and how they can damage you. For example, UVA rays can cause premature ageing and pronounced wrinkles, whereas UVB rays are more serious and can cause skin cancer. With this in mind, as an expert healthcare service, we’ve put together a few top tips on how to look after your skin in summer.
Many people choose to use suncream all year-round, but suncream should definitely be included in your skin regime during summer. Replace your old suncream with a decent new one that includes both UVA and UVB protection. Depending on your skin and how quickly you tend to burn, think about what SPF to buy, but aim for at least SPF 30. Suncream will be able to prevent sunburn and the feeling of heat stroke on the skin. But, more than this, it can help prevent skin cancer and protect moles, spots, scars and wrinkles.
Summer is the time of dehydration. We all want that natural summer glow, and not the glow of sweat that leads to spots either. To get that look and to combat dehydration, a sweaty body and spots, aim to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Get into the habit of carrying a water bottle around with you if you’re out and about and aim to drink some water every 30 minutes throughout the day. Not only will it flush out any toxins in the body, but it will also help you feel fresh and energised in the sluggish heat.
For clearer, smoother skin in general, definitely consider adding exfoliation into your daily skincare routine. Exfoliating removes dead skin and debris, prevents congested pores and helps improve the effects of any toners and moisturisers. Gently exfoliate in circular motions around your skin. It also unclogs any suncream that might get stuck in your pores.
As well as skin, you should aim to protect your eyes and the area around them. The skin on and around the eyes, particularly the eyelids, is a lot thinner than the rest of your body and therefore more prone to burning and skin cancer. The eyes can suffer the effects of UVA and UVB rays as much as the rest of your skin, so be sure to invest in a decent pair of sunglasses, where a hat as much as possible and don’t neglect to use suncream on this area also.
At Duality Health, we understand how important your skin and health is not just during summer, but year-round. If you’re thinking about getting wrinkle treatment for sun-damaged skin or are just looking for a supportive environment to share your health troubles, get in touch with us today.