Taking care of your sexual health is something you should be taking seriously, so it’s important to get tested for STDs regularly if you are sexually active. Read on to find out everything you need to know about STD testing.

Why do I need STD testing?

Before we discuss the importance of STD testing, we want you to have a basic understanding of what an STD is and how you might get an STD. Let’s review the basics of STDs and why testing is crucial to your health.

Understanding STDs

STDs, also sometimes referred to as STIs (sexually transmitted infections) or venereal diseases, are infections usually spread through vaginal or anal sexual intercourse or oral sex.

There are over 25 types of STDs, and each one is caused by different viruses or strains of bacteria and can cause different symptoms. STDs are very common throughout the UK. Some of these highly contagious diseases are curable, especially with early intervention. Others, like HIV/AIDS, cannot be cured and may lead to death if left untreated.

It’s important to take STDs seriously as they have a significant impact on your health. Early detection makes treatment more effective and it could save your life and the life of your partner.

When to get tested

If you are sexually active, include a test for STDs in your health care routine to protect your health and your partner’s health. Some people have a higher risk of contracting an STD based on their sexual history and current sexual activity. At Duality Health, we discuss your personal testing needs and can offer safe, confidential advice.

What are the benefits of STD testing?

We help our patients understand why STD testing should be part of your routine health care, especially if you are sexually active with multiple partners. With confidential testing at Duality Health, you will be able to learn if you’re infected and get treatment if you do have an STD.

STD testing offers peace of mind because it’s the only way to confirm whether you have an STD, which could develop into a more serious condition. STD testing also:

  • Protects your partner’s health and helps stop the spread or development of STDs
  • Helps you get early and effective treatment
  • Helps protect your fertility, since untreated STDs can lead to infertility
  • Protects your unborn baby from infection

At Duality Health, we have been providing in-house Rapid Screening of STDs since 2017. Rapid screening tests offer a turnaround time of 20 minutes on the majority of sexually transmitted infections. Via a combination of blood and swab tests we can check for any combination of HIV 1+2, Hepatitis B + C, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Trichomoniasis and Herpes 1 + 2. Our laboratory partner offers a range of STD screening panels and tests of infection (symptoms) specially catered towards all sexual preferences. Our clinicians are experienced in the identification and treatment of genital warts. We are also happy giving sexual health advice on a range of concerns, so contact us today to book a sexual health consultation.